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During this free web class hosted by Barry Auchettl, founder of The Vision School, you will discover how to raise your vibration AND frequency to bring about rapid manifestation!
How to align your vision with your actions so that you are consistently (and almost magically) realizing your heart's desires.
What's been blocking you from having what you want - even though you're meditating, doing affirmations and doing 'all the right things.'
The fastest way to identify and clear the blocks and sabotage patterns in the way of your next level of manifestation!
With the support of Barry and the wonderful tribe, I am both much more confident as well as clear about my vision and in my abilities to carry it out, and see it through. I feel connected to a community of visionaries who are also working towards a life vision or have already achieved it.
My life has completely changed. For the first time, I know what my life's purpose is and I feel I have direction. I feel an inner joy which I have not felt before, as I have always felt as if I was striving and struggling. Now, I know I'm in the right place and doing the right thing.
(United Kingdom)
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